What have we done to each other?
what are you thinking?
the doors slid in silence —
heartbeats all over the room as they reciprocally wrapped themselves in the shivering bed
not thinking about leaving, he answered
but you were, she added
how are you feeling?
eyes wide open —
in Master Oogway’s utterance, he thought love was the present
she never watches his favorites as it might cry her a river
yet, she quoted Allie & Noah instead — tears dismantled the makeup she wore
confused, he answered
and scared to death, she added
what have we done to each other?
the laughs —
candles he kept glaring
the hugs —
unfinished cigarettes settled her in
the kisses —
cheap motels they snuck into
the fights —
voyage they never thought of
here we go, darling
binge-watching our feelings
to make us whole once again
as the endings are the starting point of our sequel begins
we have done nothing but to wonder what might, could, & should be
as the questions swirled the emptiness, they stared —
what will we do?
treasuring what is, they swore to each other